How to Develop a Habit of Writing

Writing Habit

Maybe, you haven’t written your diary for a couple months so far. Or you stopped on the third chapter of your book and got sad because you couldn’t finish a story. Is it correct to write only when you are inspired? No, unless you want to remain an amateur. Otherwise, you need to learn how to write without inspiration or to look for it in radical ways.

When text writing becomes a habit, authors understand they do not depend on inspiration. Yes, the enthusiasm and creativeness fly to the skies with it, but it is still all good without it.

So, the point is not in finding your inspiration, but in developing a habit of writing for yourself. If you feel that you like writing, see the tips from professional essay writing service authors. But do not expect to have an easy walk.

  • 1. Make Your Environment Work on You

    If there was the possibility to give only one piece of advice, this one would be it. Working environment has a great meaning here.

    If you are sitting on a sofa with a laptop on your knees and this pose does not let you wish to work during more than 10 minutes, find another place. Maybe, it will be more comfortable for you to work in your kitchen, or you could go to the library. There can’t be one precise and clear piece of advice.

    It seems to be obvious, but sometimes one little change is enough for an author to get a habit to write.

  • 2. Experiment with Different Day Periods

    Somerset Maugham told he worked only when inspiration came. Fortunately, it came to him strictly at 9 o’clock AM.

    Your productivity levels are most likely to go up and down during the day. You can write a page after page with almost no efforts in the morning, and to get mad once you try writing at least a line in the afternoon.

    Even if you think you know yourself, try out different day and night time. The result may shock you. As soon as you find your perfect time, try writing every day. Tune up your mind on being the most active exactly at that time.

  • 3. Monitor Your Time and Work During Certain Periods

    You can use Pomodoro technique and write during 25 minutes. Or to find your own way. The point is to avoid distraction during the process completely. The author who is disciplined enough reaches more. Devote 2 hours for the job and work during all that time without looking at a smartphone, a browser, etc. You can promise yourself to do something pleasant later, but next 120 minutes belong to writing.

    This simple trick does one very important thing: it develops your concentration. It will be difficult first, but you will overcome the resistance with practice.

  • 4. Work with a Calendar

    A calendar is an excellent instrument for habit development. It helps not only to plan tasks, but to track what is completed as well.

    You’d better buy a physical calendar. If it occupies the whole wall, then it is perfect. Put a smile or a tick on every day you work. Then you’ll be able to estimate your results in a month.

    Many experienced writers think the best way to go is to create a chain of victories. They do not recommend interrupting it. If you could go in for writing during two weeks running, that is a great result. You can notice tendencies during that time as well.

    For instance, the fact that you work more productively on weekends. In this case, you should finish all your tasks till Saturday and to dive into the process during a weekend.

    If you live with someone, you can put a calendar in the kitchen or in the sitting room. This is how all who live with you will see your achievements. Consider the possibility with a virtual calendar when you tell others about your successes through the Internet.

  • 5. Overcome All the Obstacles Before Starting Your Work

    What period is thought to be the most complicated when we talk about writing? I guess, you know that yourself: the beginning. The hardest part of a job to do is to start. Further, you move inertially, without any serious troubles.

    You can find that it is easy to start writing, when:

    • A pen and a notebook are nearby;
    • Laptop is on, and the file is open;
    • The plan is ready and is before your eyes;
    • The playlist is loaded.

    All you need to do is to sit down and start writing. Now imagine there are no preparations at all: you need to find that pen, to remind yourself where the notebook is, and the bulb is malfunctioned. That’s easy to say: ‘I’d be glad to write, but the fate doesn’t want me to start’.

  • 6. Share Your Jobs with Other Writers

    Group of Writers

    For many people, it is important to share their jobs and successes with others. They receive serious support and motivation through that. Of course, it is important to find the right people.

    When there are people with the same problems and yours (at least virtually), it becomes a lot easier to work.

    You mustn’t enter any writers’ union. It is enough to:

    • Ask someone who is close to you to read your works every week;
    • Find an editor;
    • Publish your works on online forums.

    Don’t forget that the writing is to become a habit if you want to reach serious results. It is not enough to devote a day per week to it. Once you gain a habit, more than a half of serious problems will just disappear.

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