Safe and Qualitative Custom Writing with EssayHelp.Me

When a person pays money for a certain service, he/she requires the highest quality of performance. EssayHelp.Me always does its best delivering the expected custom essay writing at the highest quality standards. That is why we have a growing number of satisfied customers, who come for help regularly.

Custom Writing

Assurances on Our Reliability

Online services are often created to perform some scam activities. Therefore, students, who need to benefit from custom writing service, should be attentive to the reliability of the writing service online. Please, check the following features of our custom writing service for your confidence:

  1. No Plagiarism

    The 0% similarity level of the text provided is guaranteed. Such a result is possible due to the following actions taken:

    • Every paper goes through plagiarism checking software before the delivery.

    • Each writer is aware of the fact, that in case of plagiarism detected in essay writing, he will be fired.

    • A customer, who has got a plagiarized paper (what actuality never happens), can get a free rewrite or a full refund.

  2. Clear and Detailed Policies

    We have developed the detailed policies, confirming of which is the required aspect of our agreement. We always follow the policies precisely.

    • A. Privacy Policy

      The confidentiality of the essay writing service is guaranteed. No third parties can ever get any information about you and your order. Your writer never knows your personal details. Only the authorized support team members can access your personal information for the aim of the better service performance.

    • B. Revision Policy

      Every customer has a right to request unlimited number of free revisions for his/her custom essay delivered. Our writer is obliged to apply all the specifications unless they contradict the initial order instructions. The minimum deadline for revision is 2 or 4 hours, so you can get the corrections made by our writing service within the shortest time.

    • С. Money Back Policy

      Our customers do not pay if they are not satisfied with the paper or if their instructions for essay writing were not followed precisely. Therefore, according to the money back policy, there is an opportunity to start a dispute.

  3. Responsible Writers

    Our team of writers is the selection of the best experienced and professional assignment helpers. They all have Master`s diploma at least. All of our writers pass the psychological test concerning their personality, so we make sure they can be nice and helpful with any customers` requests. We always make sure that our writers deliver papers in time. There is a quality control department, which checks the statistics of our essay writing service`s performance. Bad writers are fired and good writers get upraised, so they are motivated to work better.

  4. Availability 24/7/365

    You can get any issues resolved any time and within the shortest time frames. Thus, you can be sure that we won`t ignore you after you place your order. You can message/call support team or contact us via live-chat any time of day or night, no matter even if it is a holiday. Our customers always feel comfortable and have nothing to worry about. This is another reason to order with our reliable custom writing service!

Rated 4.5 | 750 votes.

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