5 Ways to Invest in Yourself

Personal Investments

Warren Buffet thinks investments in oneself to be obligatory for everyone. In this case, every person is the investor for a bit. We have gathered some recommendations about learning to invest money and time in yourself and tried to explain why this is important.

The vice-president of Warren Buffet's corporation ”Berkshire Hathaway”, Charlie Manger, once said Warren Buffet to become much better investor since that day they’ve met each other for the first time, just like Charlie himself. The secret is simple: you need to study 24/7 and not to think your success to come on its own.

Warren Buffet, this old and fantastically rich investor can speak phrases people want to remember. They do not find their wish to listen to Buffet’s piece of advice strange, no matter how extravagant those tips seem. One of the richest people on the planet just can’t give a bad advice.

If to perceive words not too attentively, one can say this to be true. Those Buffet’s tips that do not touch investments and finance field, are simple and useful. It is hard to argue them.

Warren Buffet once said, that the most valuable asset one has is oneself. Everything improving your talents and skills is worth doing it.

Because of that fact, the question appears: how can you invest into yourself? There are many ways to do that, and in this article we decided to concentrate not only on those lying on the plain surface, but to mention ones that seem to be hidden in secrets.

  • 1. Create a Learning Plan

    I’d been using a certain smartphone app in order to complete my everyday plans. In my list, there were: meditation, 30 minutes of online lectures, making notes about something new, and reading. Of course, I knew my schedule by heart, but the app made me act even if I didn’t want to.

    Creating a learning plan is your first task to do. Determine what skills you want to develop, what is the best way how to do that, and how much time you need to devote to it every day.

  • 2. Get Surrounded by People who are More Successful and Clever

    You are going to feel yourself bad from time to time because of that, as people always feel like that when there is someone from our close friends who got more than them. Yet in long-term perspective, this is going to bring you huge profits. Other people’s experience will give you the possibility to develop yourself while you are just talking to them.

  • 3. Improve Your Communication Skills

    Communication Skills Investment

    There are three sources to find out new things: your own experience, work with information and other people’s experience. This means, you need to be able to give something in return in order to speak with successful people and learn their experience.

    At least, you should have good communicational skills. Your collocutor should like communicating with you. Your profession does not matter here; any person should be able to communicate interestingly.

  • 4. Do not Be Afraid of Spending Money

    In our times, people want to invest into their education less and less. Everyone starts to understand the importance of courses, seminars and trips that can improve your professional skills. For instance, Buffet recommends investing 10% of one’s income into their own education. What it is going to be: courses, books or business trips – is your call.

  • 5. Grow up not Only as a Professional

    Yeah, I know that is not easy to do that when your job takes the most part of your day time. Here is the secret.

    Once you find an activity which is interesting for you, you magically can find time for it every day.

    Maybe, your sleep will last one hour less. Maybe, you’ll have to save your break and leave office earlier. But if you find something you really like, there will appear time for that, even if you didn’t have it before.

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